Vol. 71 No. 3-4 (2018): EGAN

Basque nationalism in Ramon Saizarbitoria´s Martutene. : Exploring Iñaki Abaitua´s and Julia´s inner worlds

Iker Legarreta
Euskal Hizkuntzalaritza eta Filologia Unibertsitate Masterra. Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Published 2019-10-02


  • Basque nationalism,
  • Basque national identity,
  • inner worlds and memory

How to Cite

Legarreta, I. (2019). Basque nationalism in Ramon Saizarbitoria´s Martutene. : Exploring Iñaki Abaitua´s and Julia´s inner worlds. GAN, 71(3-4). etrieved from http://ojs.i2basque.eus/index.php/egan/article/view/204


 This article investigates the nature of Basque nationalism by means of an analysis based on Ramon Saizarbitorias Martutene. Martutene  represents one of the most important work in the history of Basque literature and it presents a structured, rich and broad discourse about Basque nationalism. The two main characters of the novel, Iñaki Abaitua and Julia, express the discourse through their experiences, sentiments and thoughts.

These two main characters offer the opportunity to analyse Basque nationalism and countless aspects related to it: the transmission of Basque nationalism and its principles, the relationship between (Basque) national identity and class and genre variables, the way of feeling and experiencing national identity,  difficulties and contradictions that arise from it, the pride produced by it and its proclamation, the heritage of national identity and burdens originated from this fact, the national identity in need of transmission to next generations, derived lessons and so on.

The study traverses a path along the past, present and future of Basque nationalism with Abaitua and Julia.