Vol. 76 No. 3-4 (2023): EGAN aldizkariaren 75. urteurrena 1948-2023

XV-XVII. mendeetako Euskal Herriko edizioa ikertzeko materialak

Published 2024-01-02


  • History of the Basque Country; publishing; printer; bibliography; XVI-XVII centuries.

How to Cite

Lopez De Luzuriaga Martinez, I. (2024). XV-XVII. mendeetako Euskal Herriko edizioa ikertzeko materialak. GAN, 76(3-4). etrieved from http://ojs.i2basque.eus/index.php/egan/article/view/5328


This article sets out to contribute to the understanding of the editing con-
text, printers and works existing over the territory of the Basque Country since
the late 15th century until the late 17th century. It aims to synthesize, add to and
update news and research materials produced on the subject to date. The reader
will learn that four decades into its invention by Johannes Gutenberg, the press
arrived in the Basque Country, developing gradually first throughout Upper Na-
varre on the heat of the Counter-Reformation. As production gained momentum
in the late 17th century, printers, initially itinerant and foreigners, settled per-
manently in Iruñea (Pamplona), Bayonne, Donostia and Bilbao under the wing of
town and regional authorities, while in Araba (Alava), no press was installed
until 1722.