Vol. 76 No. 3-4 (2023): EGAN aldizkariaren 75. urteurrena 1948-2023

Children’s and Young Adult Literatures mediators today. A beginning of a research

Published 2024-01-02


  • Children’s and Young Adult Literature; Primary School; literary mediators; reading choices; reader habits.

How to Cite

Otegui Oyarzabal, M. (2024). Children’s and Young Adult Literatures mediators today. A beginning of a research. GAN, 76(3-4). etrieved from http://ojs.i2basque.eus/index.php/egan/article/view/5326


The main objective of this article has been to analyze the influence of litera-
ry mediators in the reading choices of students who are finishing Primary Educa-
tion. In order to carry out the research, in the theoretical framework of the
investigation, the processes of reading choices, the importance of literary media-
tors, the reading needs of children and the opinions of experts on school literary
canons have been analyzed. Then, taking these variables into account, a ques-
tionnaire was created. As a third step, the questionnaire was given to 97 students
in 5th and 6th grades of primary school to be filled in on paper. Based on the
results obtained from the questionnaire, it was concluded that the family conti-
nues having a great impact on reading choices and on reader habits and that the
school has a great influence on the choice of books, but that in the choice of
books new mediators are increasingly present among 12-year-old students, such
as youtubers.