Vol. 72 Núm. 1-2 (2019): EGAN

78ko Erregimen kanibala eta 90eko Poetika Errebeldeak

Palabras clave

  • Maria Mercè Marçal,
  • Chus Pato,
  • Itxaro Borda,
  • regime of 78,
  • the 90s

Cómo citar

Atutxa Ordeñana, I. (2019). 78ko Erregimen kanibala eta 90eko Poetika Errebeldeak. GAN, 72(1-2). ecuperado a partir de http://ojs.i2basque.eus/index.php/egan/article/view/196



This article is a comparative reading of poetry by Maria Mercè Marçal, Chus Pato and Itxaro Borda. It will focus on Cau de lluna, written by Marçal in the 70s, and on Fascinio and Orain, which Pato and Borda wrote, respectively, in the 90s. The comparative reading will bring to the surface oppressions inflicted by the regime of ‘78. It will also enable a reading of inflicted bodies, which the poetic voices situate in the centre. Despite similarities, each one of the voices speaks from a different place: Cau de lluna, from the pre-history of the regime; Fascinio, from within the regime; and Orain from the outside. Each one of the positions reveals the rebel poetics that come together in the work of the three authors, shedding new light on the way we understand the regime of ’78.