Vol. 76 No. 3-4 (2023): EGAN aldizkariaren 75. urteurrena 1948-2023

Unai Elorriaga’s Iturria: on the conflict of the literary genre and the origin of the stories

Published 2024-01-02


  • literary genre; short story cycle; Eastern European literature; Iturria; Unai Elorriaga.

How to Cite

Natxiondo Etxebarria, P. (2024). Unai Elorriaga’s Iturria: on the conflict of the literary genre and the origin of the stories. GAN, 76(3-4). etrieved from http://ojs.i2basque.eus/index.php/egan/article/view/5327


In this article, the literary genre of the book Iturria (Susa, 2019) by Unai
Elorriaga is considered and the metaliterary and intertextual resources present
in the work are analyzed. Elorriaga worked for the first time in this book the
production of short stories and completed a short story cycle. In this type of work
the stories are independent, but they are connected to each other thanks to the
elaboration of characters, space, themes or time. In addition, a narrative fra-
mework usually links all the stories together. Thus, although the narratives are
independent, they are part of a larger union and these links allow the book to be
read as a cycle. Likewise, the metaliterary elaboration and its relation to the
literary tradition of Eastern Europe also give unity to Iturria: the narrative fra-
mework offers a journey through that Europe and, through the literary gathe-
rings of its protagonists, reflects on the source or origin of these stories.