Vol. 74 No. 1-2 (2021): EGAN

More about Juseff Eguiatéguy’s manuscript Aberatztarzun gussién guils bakhoitza (1782)

Published 2021-12-01


  • 18th century, Eguiatéguy, manuscript, paper, watermark, philolo- gy, Soule, literature.

How to Cite

Segurola Azkonobieta, K., & Ugarte Muñoz, A. (2021). More about Juseff Eguiatéguy’s manuscript Aberatztarzun gussién guils bakhoitza (1782). GAN, 74(1-2). etrieved from http://ojs.i2basque.eus/index.php/egan/article/view/4603


  • The manuscript Aberatztarzun gussién guils bakhoitza (1782) by Souletin aut-
    hor Juseff Eguiatéguy was acquired by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa around
    1963. Lost a few years later, the manuscript has reappeared in the archive of the
    writer José Arteche (1906-1971). We offer in these lines the state of the question
    and the provisional description of themanuscript.