Vol. 73 No. 1-2 (2020): EGAN

On egiñaren obaria

Published 2021-05-01


  • Events of the end of the 19th century; a given geography; adventure genre; expertise and heavy descriptions; house; the language of Saletxe

How to Cite

Gurrutxaga Zubia, A. (2021). On egiñaren obaria. GAN, 73(1-2). etrieved from http://ojs.i2basque.eus/index.php/egan/article/view/2895


  • On egiñaren obaria (The reward for the job well done) is the only novel that
    Martin Ugarte Saletxe ever published. He was a farmer, factory worker and
    writer all at once, although he is better known as a poet. He published both
    Tankalaren leloa (The saying of the mill) and the long repertoire of pastoral
    poems, Aizkorri artzain-poema (Pastoral poems of Aizkorri), in the book entitled
    Jatorriaren errotik (From the root of origin) and the author from Legazpis reputation
    grew thanks to the work. The plot centres around Joxe-Prantxisko, an
    eccentric healer who interferes in the lives of the other characters. It describes
    the way of life of the inhabitants of the interior of Gipuzkoa at the end of the
    19th century: the everyday experience of people accustomed to harsh conditions.
    The incredibly rich speech and developed descriptions do not hinder, or at
    least not always, the entertaining tale. A traditional novel, written by an author
    without any trace of modernity, it offers nonetheless a joyful reading. The purpose
    of this article is to make known the novel that reports on the ordinary
    people in the south of Gipuzkoa at the end of the 19th century, as well as to draw
    deserved attention to the author, who is not famous.