Vol. 71 No. 3-4 (2018): EGAN

A dialogue between Ramon Saizarbitoria and Joxe Azurmendi

Iñaki Aldekoa Beitia
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea


  • Enlightenment,
  • romanticism,
  • nationalism,
  • democracy

How to Cite

Aldekoa Beitia, I. (2018). A dialogue between Ramon Saizarbitoria and Joxe Azurmendi. GAN, 71(3-4). etrieved from http://ojs.i2basque.eus/index.php/egan/article/view/203


 The novelist is polytheist by vocation, that is, s/he is going to create the novel with agonizing rivalry among more than one god. Philosophers, though, will work with ideas, concepts, history and specially with the mind. But in this age, you will find both, the novelist and the philosopher, dealing with opposing ideas and impulses in order to succeed. The talk between the the writer and the philosopher.